The LGBT community do not want to force their way of life on those who disagree with them but merely to be left alone to live their lives

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Christians are arguably one of the most persecuted sects in some parts of the world, particularly where the beliefs of the majority or dominant religion are also enshrined in the laws of the land.

It is therefore somewhat ironic that in a secular pluralist society like Northern Ireland some Christians would seek to impose similar restrictions on another minority, the LBGT community. The latter, unlike some, don’t think that their beliefs are superior to others.

They don’t want to force their way of life on those who disagree with them but merely to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit according to their beliefs and values.

For those who are opposed to single sex marriage, there is a glaringly simple solution...don’t marry someone of the same sex.

Gerard O’Boyle, Devon

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